Nursery Consultation
Our consultation process regarding changing the age range of our school to accommodate children from 2-7 years by adding a school-led 2-year-old provision has now closed.
Responses have been collated and reviewed by the Board of Trustees. A majority of 91.3% of respondents are favour of the school lowering the age range to 2–7 years. The next stage of the process is to ask the Department for Education for permission to move forward with the proposal and to invite parents or carers to register an interest.
The proposed provision, under the governance of Ryhope Infant School Academy, will be for sixteen places for 2 year-olds, eight on a morning and eight on an afternoon. The places will be for children eligible for 15 hours of free early education or to parents/carers who wish to pay for this provision themselves.
Our aim for the Early Years provision is to prepare children for school readiness and with the development of a 2-year-old nursery class within our existing nursery, this will provide a single transitional site for those families who wish for their children to progress through one education establishment. We are proposing that the timings mirror those of our existing nursery setting and will only be open during term time, in line with the rest of the school.
If you are a parent or carer and would like to register an interest in the provision, please contact the main school office either via email, telephone or in person.
We envisage the final decision from the Department for Education to take a few weeks however, once we have this information, we will inform you of the next steps and potential dates for opening, should the outcome be positive.