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Letters Home

Letters HomeDownload
2024/25 Diary DatesDownload
2025-2026 Term DatesDownload
Access road - RISA & RJSDownload
Activity Sport Afternoon - Nursery provision onlyDownload
After School Club - Sports January 2023Download
After School Club Summer Term 1Download
After School Clubs April to May 2023Download
After School Clubs Jan 2023Download
After School Clubs June to July 2023Download
All parents- Little WandlesDownload
Children in Need 2022Download
Children in Need 2023Download
Christmas Decoration Workshop 2023 - School onlyDownload
Christmas Decorations Workshop (School) 2022Download
Christmas Fundraiser 2023Download
Christmas Nativity Performance - Nursery onlyDownload
Christmas Parties & Contribution LetterDownload
Christmas Performance, Parties and other activities 2022Download
Christmas Performance, Party and other Festive activitiesDownload
Comic Relief /Red Nose Day 2023Download
Comic Relief 15.03.24Download
Coronation PicnicDownload
Dates for your Diary 2023-2024Download
Dates for your Diary 22-23Download
Easter Bonnet Parade 2.00pmDownload
Easter Bonnet Parade 2024 NurseryDownload
Easter Bonnet Parade 9.15amDownload
Epilepsy Support Day 2023Download
Family Learning Year 2 onlyDownload
Gifts of Love 2022Download
Guide to Parents/Carers - Ofsted InspectionDownload
Hair Styles 2023Download
Halloween 2022Download
Halloween Swap Shop 2022Download
Harvest Assembly 2022Download
Knife Crime Information LeafletDownload
Letter regarding ParkingDownload
Letter Regarding Road Closures / DiversionsDownload
Letter to Parents/Carers- Ofsted InspectionDownload
Miss Lumsden class visit to BeamishDownload
NEW School start time from June 2023Download
New Year RemindersDownload
Newsletter 27.03.23Download
NSPCC Number Day 2023Download
Nursery & 2 year old Room onlyDownload
Nursery Pupils Reception 2023 InformationDownload
NUT FREE SchoolDownload
Nut Free School LetterDownload
Open Evening Monday 14 November 2022Download
Parent Code of ConductDownload
Parent/Carer Feedback Survey ResultsDownload
Parent/Governor LetterDownload
PREVENT /ACT EARLY LeafletDownload
Reading Workshop for Mrs Simpson/Miss Lumsden/Miss FisherDownload
RSHE Consultation LetterDownload
School Photograph Day 2023Download
School Term Dates 2024/25Download
Sports - After School ClubDownload
Summer FairDownload
Summer Fayre 2023Download
Sunflower/YELLOW Day 2023Download
Swimming Jan 2023 YEAR 1 onlyDownload
Visit to Beamish MuseumDownload
Wraparound Care ChangesDownload
Year 2 Pupils for Year 3 places in September 2023Download

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