Nursery 2’s and 3’s
Nursery 2’s (Little Squirrels Class)

Our 2’s Nursery Provision is for children aged between 2 and 3 years.
Children can access a place in our setting the term after their 2nd birthday.
The term after their 3rd birthday they will move into our Nursery 3’s provision.
We offer morning, afternoon or full day sessions. Children may qualify for a funded place, dependant on meeting a set of criteria. We also have spaces for families who would like to pay for sessions.
For an extra cost, children in our 2s nursery can stay for lunch if previously arranged with staff.
Please contact the school if you would like to know more 0191 9171910.
More information on funding can be found following the link below.
The following link takes you to the page to set up a family portal, where you can apply for the funding.
Nursery 3’s (Badger Class)

Our Nursery 3’s Provision is for children aged 3 to 4. We can offer 15 free hours to every child, as long as we have the space. We offer morning or afternoon places and 2 and a half day patterns. We also offer 30 hour places and these are dependant on meeting a set of criteria. The link below is where you can find more information and apply online.
Children from our 3’s nursery can stay for lunch for an extra charge. They can also access our breakfast club.
What to do next?
If you are interested in adding your child’s name to our waiting list for the 2’s or 3’s nurseries, then please pop into the school office and bring your child’s birth certificate with you. There is a short application form to complete and we will contact you when we have a space available.

Morning Session
School Nursery 8:30 am – 11:30 am
Afternoon Session
School Nursery 12:30pm -3:30pm
Nursery children enter school through the school gates and then through the nursery door, which will be open from 8:30am until 8:45am and 12.30pm until 12.35pm after which you will need to take your child in through the main entrance. A member of staff will be on duty at the door each morning (8:30am) and afternoon (12:30pm). Please inform them of any messages for the class teacher.
If, for whatever reason, you cannot collect your child from school and you nominate another person who is on the school contact form, please ensure that you inform the school as we cannot release a child to someone else if we have not previously been informed. This will prevent any unnecessary upset for all concerned; as it is essential the child’s welfare comes first.
Any absence affects the pattern of a child’s schooling and regular absence will seriously affect their learning. Any pupil’s absence disrupts routines so may affect the learning of others.
Ensuring your child’s regular attendance at nursery is your responsibility. We would like to ensure good attendance ‘habits’ are formed at an early age in preparation for the time when you child will be of statutory school age.
Arriving late can be upsetting both for the pupil and it may disrupt teaching routines. Any parents/carers arriving with their children after 8:45am or 12:35pm will find the door /gate closed. They will then need to press the buzzer for the main school office. Any children arriving after 8.45am or 12:35pm will have the time they arrive recorded and punctuality will be monitored.