School Council
At Ryhope Infant School Academy, we have a strong School Council, with each class electing 2 members to be to be their representatives.
Mrs Simpson (PSHE/RSHE Subject Lead and Wellbeing Team Champion), holds School Council meetings every half term.
Their role in school is to:
- represent and be ambassadors for our school
- share their individual ideas of how to improve our school
- contribute to discussions about topics raised
- act as school buddies in the playground
- feedback to classes about decisions made in council meetings
- inform the council of their class’s ideas and suggestions on topics discussed
- support our local community events

Please meet our current School Council members: 2024-2025

Our Meeting Agendas…
Meeting 1/ Autumn 1: We will be having a look around our school and feeding back our findings…
Is it tidy? Are there parts of school that look better than others? Is there anything we can do to improve particular spaces in our school?
Meeting 2/ Autumn 2: Planning Enrichment/ Fundraising Opportunities for 2024-25 and organising the Halloween Disco fundraiser.
Meeting 3/ Spring 1: Organising the “Valentine Disco” fundraiser/ Helping to improve wellbeing and making school a happier place for everyone…
How can we help in the classroom? How can we help in the playground?
Meeting 4/ Spring 2: Creating and Distributing Pupil Survey
Meeting 5/ Summer 1: Planning “Minute to Win It” Sports Challenge Fundraiser/ Planning end of term “Enrichment Celebration”
Meeting 6/ Summer 2: Reflection and evaluation of the year’s topics- Survey to classes to collect pupil voice re: “Favourite moments of the year”/ Recognising School Councillors for their service and certificate presentation.